Monday, June 21, 2010

Things to remember about Malaysia...

1. If you break down, and its going to be awhile before you are able to move your car, place a large, visible tree branch on your car. Apparently, hazard lights are for quick, side of the road, errands - not emergencies.

2. If there is a bus, piling up traffic, that refuses to move - look for a chair placed outside on the ground. This means its not going to be moving for a while, go around.

3. If you have a beautiful vehicle you want to sell, place an empty oil can on the roof. Apparently this is Malaysian-talk for "Make an Offer".

I'm not kidding - was told this weekend by a VERY credible source. And tonight? I just saw a shiny blue BEAUTIFUL Volvo with an oil can attop, "For Sale" in sharpie. Can I make an offer?

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